The Twilight Saga is a series of four vampire-themed fantasy romance novels. The author of the novel is Stephenie Meyer. The novels were released annually between 2005 to 2008. Since the first release of the novel, it received lots of positive reviews from the audience worldwide. Midnight Sun is a 2020 companion novel to the book Twilight by the same author.
Brief about the novel Midnight Sun –
The story won’t be new to the readers familiar with the author Twilight which she wrote in three different novels Breaking Dawn, New Moon, and Eclipse. It retells the events of Twilight and this is from the perspective of Edward Cullen. The series usual narrating character Bella Swan is not focused. The author shared that Twilight is the only book planned to rewrite that way. It is a bit more worldly at 104 years old.
The novel release was announced in the month of May the speculation was that the novel would be more desperate and darker. When the novel released its turns out to be the same. Edward sees everything at a higher risk than Bella as he is the vampire. Edward has a desire to kill Bella remains a problem even though he falls for her.
In the novel, the other side of Bella and Edward is revealed. The big moments of their love story are shown in the novel. The moments are shown in such a way that readers will remember for a long. In the novel climax miscommunication, jealousy, and desire are shown. Edward feels that he is dangerous to Bella but he cannot stay away from her.
In this new novel, the reader gets more insight into Edward’s non-biological family. They were brought together through a series of events. Each of the family members is shown more complex. The family’s bright spot and character flaws were easily noticeable which gave the readers a clear understanding of the series.
Reviews Of the novel Midnight Sun –
The novel received 9 mixed reviews and 1 positive review from the critics. The novel sold 1 million publications in 1st week of the release.