Messiah is a crime thriller kind of fiction. The story was created by Michael Petroni and was produced by Brandon Guercio. The series was first telecasted in January 2020. A reasonable proportion of people loved the story and mostly got many favourable remarks from the viewers.
The producers have telecasted one season that contains 10 episodes. The makers have recently announced their thoughts about season two of the Messiah, and they are mostly not a favourable answer that the fans would have wanted. The authorities are planning to cancel the second season. Is messiah season 2 really cancelled? If yes, then read further to know.
Messiah season 1 plot
The storyline revolves around a priest who wants people to believe in the religious powers and wants to compile the people. He is called al-Masih by the people. He and his supporters believe that he can do miracles with the help of God. And a new CIA officer tries to investigate the reasons for his intentions.
Messiah season 1 cast
In season one, Al-Masih’s role was played ‘Mehdi Dehbi.’ ‘Tomer Sisley’ played the role of Aviram Dahan. ‘Michelle Monaghan’ depicted the role of Eva Geller. ‘Jane Adams’ portrayed the role of Miriam Keneally. ‘John Ortiz’ played the role of Felix Aguero. ‘Melinda Page Hamilton’ played the role of Anne Aguero, and ‘Stefania Lavie Owen’ portrayed the role of Rebecca Aguero.
Is messiah season two cancelled?
The series was liked by a good amount of people. Still, the makers have made an official announcement in their social media platform that the second season of the Messiah is cancelled. The actor who played as Michael Petroni in the series has also confirmed that news and wished all the fans who supported their journey.
Why was Messiah season 2 cancelled?
Though some people liked the concept, there were also many critics made about this series and storyline. Many people commented that the characters are not sharp, and they don’t have a delightful storyline. And they have also said that some have requested the Netflix officials to stop the series due to the religious concept and proclamations to defend the Muslim community. So Netflix called off season two of the Messiah.