‘Merlin’ is a fictional-adventure and fantasy series focused on the legend of King Arthur and his deep bond with the famous wizard, Merlin. Created by Julian Jones, Jake Michie, Julian Murphy, and Johnny Capps, the show is influenced by ‘Smallville’ and is produced by Shine Limited. Written by Jones, it traces the rise of Arthur and Merlin in their younger days.
The drama describes the events in which Arthur’s father, Uther Pendragon, bans the use of magic in Camelot and condemns it as a crime punishable by death. This forces Merlin to conceal his powers from a common sight, except for his mentor Gaius. As Arthur turns from an innocent, introvert child to a mighty king, Merlin evolves into a symbol that shapes Camelot’s future.
Merlin Season 6 Release Date!
‘Merlin’ season 5 made its debut on BBC One on 6 October 2012. After 13 episodes, it ended on December 24, 2012. In 2012, it was announced officially that perhaps the fifth season was its last installment, which started with a two-part finale. With a total of 65 episodes, ‘Merlin’ ended with a successful run in 2012. So, there won’t be any extra seasons, unless some other network decides to bring the series, so rest we assured that you’ll be the first to hear about ‘Merlin’ season 6. This British series was premiered on Syfy in the US. However, you can also catch all of its Netflix episodes.
Merlin Season 6 Plot!
Merlin comes back in the kingdom of Camelot after his mother sets up for him to stay with the court physician Gaius. He is a youthful warlock and soon finds that the King of Camelot, Uther Pendragon, forbade magic two decades ago and incarcerated the Last Dragon under his castle to serve as a warning for the felons. When a strange voice grumbles in his head, Merlin goes down into the cave and finds that the Great Dragon is talking to him. The other informs Merlin that he has a given task — to protect the son of Uther, Arthur, who will later restore the art of magic in Camelot and unite the land of Albion.
After Merlin met Arthur, the former thought the young prince was peevish and self-centered. Even Arthur’s first impression of Merlin isn’t great. But when Merlin protects his life, he’s approved as a personal servant. The two boys focus on several adventures and slowly become best friends. However, when Morgana turns against Camelot, Merlin and Arthur must link up to save Albion. If there’s any chance for season 6 then it may continue from this end of season 5 only.
Merlin Season 6 Cast!
The major casts of the ‘Merlin’ season 6:
- Colin Morgan playing as Merlin
- Angel Coulby playing as Gwen (Guinevere)
- Bradley James (II) playing as Arthur Pendragon
- Katie McGrath playing as Morgana
- Richard Wilson (III) playing as Gaius
- Anthony Stewart Head playing as King Uther Pendragon
There can be some more new characters in season 6 of ‘Merlin’. If only it gets to come back.
The trailer of Merlin season 6!
There’s no official announcement for the release of the trailer and season too.