Mayans MC is a Mexican- American crime drama television series. Kurt Sutter and Elgin James created the series. The series was released in 2018 on FX. In 2019 season 2 was released. Initially, the series received mixed reviews from the critics but as the series progressed critics started liking. Now, there are reports which suggest that the series is renewed for season 3.
When will Mayans season 3 be premiered?
Season 3 was renewed just before the final episode of season 2. After that, there are no further announcements by the creators. Due to the current situation, the production process will be delayed further for sure. Speculations are there that it would release in early 2021 but nothing cannot be confirmed as yet.
JD Pardo one of the stars stated that “we are getting closer [to filming]. In a way further along than the last 2 Seasons but physical production has not started, yet. Still a process to go through [with the pandemic] guidelines but we are getting closer. I’ll be sure to let everyone know when we have an official date.”
What can the audience expect as a storyline Mayans season 3?
In the previous season, the suspense was built when a dead body was found. Clayton (Angel) revealed in an interview that they have completed the shooting of the scene. Now the audience can expect to know whos dead body is this will be revealed in season 3. Other than this not many details are revealed by cast and crew.
Whom the audience can expect to see in Mayans season 3?
No official announcements are made till now regarding the cast. The expectation is that all the previous cast will be back in season 3 as well.
What is the brief background of Mayans MC?
It takes place 4 years after the events of Sons of Anarchy. California border town of Santo Padre which is 100 miles away. Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes struggles are shown. EZ is a gifted son of a Mexican family. His American dreams were snuffed out by cartel violence. He has to live which he never wanted and cannot escape.
The main cast – J. D. Pardo, Sarah Bolger, Clayton Cardenas, Clayton Cardenas, Carla Baratta, Richard Cabral, Raoul Trujillo, Antonio Jaramillo, Antonio Jaramillo, Edward James Olmos, Emilio Rivera