Marvel’s Jessica Jones or commonly known as Jessica Jones is an American web television series created by Melissa Rosenberg, which was made for the online platform Netflix. The first season was premiered in the year 2015. However, after the 3rd season finished its run, fans seem to be quite more excited for Jessica Jones season 4. They are eagerly waiting for the season 4 to happen anytime soon. Though in February 2019, Netflix canceled its renewal and made the third season it’s last, the audience out there still have hopes for Jessica Jones season 4 to happen.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones season 4: Plot and storyline!
The plot talks about the super-powered woman Jessica Jones who had this brilliantly and brief superhero career until she met the villain Kilgrave. And this meeting of her with the villainous character resulted in her killing someone. After this violent incident, she became a private investigator. Later when the villainous character Kilgrave reappears, it has to be Jessica who would stop him. In the second season, she finds out the truth about her mother being alive and safe. In the third and probably the last season, she has to face a dangerous enemy whose motive is to prove her as a fraud.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones season 4: Cast and characters!
The cast and crew of the series are quite interesting. Krysten Ritter plays the role of Jessica Jones, the main character of the series. Mike Colter plays the role of Luke Cage, a man with superhuman strength. Rachael Taylor plays the role of Patricia Trish Walker. David Tennant plays the villainous character of Kilgrave in the series.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones season 4: Reviews, episodes, and more!
The initial season had 13 episodes in total, while season 2 released in 2018 also had 13 episodes. The last and mostly the final season had 13 episodes in total. The famous web television series in an all had 39 episodes. The IMDB rating was 7.9/10. The setting and filming of the series are done in New York City.
Marvel’s Jessica Jones Season 4: Release date!
According to sources, in February 2019, it was Netflix who announced that there will be no return of Jessica jones anymore. But somehow from other such sources and statements, it seems like the Jessica Jones season 4 would resurface in 2022. The arrangements and productions are most likely to come back in late 2021. But no such official announcement is done from Netflix pr from the makers of the series.