Manifest is an American supernatural web television series created by Jeff Rake. The show premiered on NBC on 24 September 2018, consisting of 13 episodes in total. The plot of Manifest revolves around the passengers and crews of a commercial airline who appears out of nowhere after being dead for more than a half-decade.
The first season of Manifest was a huge success globally. Looking at the ratings and fan following of the series, Manifest, NBC ordered 3 more episodes of the debut season in October 2018, which adds up to a total of 16 episodes.
Manifest was renewed for its second season by NBC in April 2019. Season 2 of Manifest was released on 6 January 2020.
Release Date of Manifest Season 3
After the arrival of the second season of Manifest, in June 2020, it was renewed for its third season. The production and filming of the new season haven’t even begun because of the pandemic outbreak of Covid-19. There’s no official date announced yet about the third installment of Manifest, but it is anticipated that it will release by late 2021.
Plot of Manifest Season 3
The plot of the third season of Manifest is not known yet. It is quite sure that the upcoming season will pick up from the last episode of the second season. The official Twitter account of the show keeps giving out clues and hints regarding the new season. You should definitely keep an eye on the account to know the major details about Manifest!
Cast of Manifest Season 3
It hasn’t been revealed who is in the major cast of Manifest Season 3, but it is anticipated that the cast from the previous two seasons of the series will reprise their respective roles which include, Josh Dallas, Melissa Roxburgh, J.R. Ramirez, Luna Blaise, Athena Karkanis, Jack Messina, Parveen Kaur, Matt Long, Frank Deal, Ellen Tamaki, and few others. We might get to see some new faces in the upcoming season, which is not revealed yet.
Watch the two interesting seasons of Manifest only on NBC!