Canadian web-television series directed by Jacob Tierney and created and developed by Jared Keeso, Letterkenny, that has already premiered eight seasons on stream platform Hulu, has been renewed. The creators announced the renewal of the “Letterkenny Season 9” in June 2020 which can be stream on Hulu.
The show has got lots of love and support from the previous eight seasons and it even won the Best Comedy Series Award in the 5th Canadian Screen Awards. it has given a rating between 8.5/10 and 8.7/10 by rating graph and IMDB respectively.
What is Letterkenny?
Letterkenny is a Canadian comedian sitcom that was originally started out as Youtube web series titled Letterkenny Problems. It was aired on The Comedy Network and eventually became a hit TV Show.
The episodes focus upon Katy and dinosaurs Wayne. She operates a farm.
Letterkenny Season 9 release date
The show makers have not announced the official release date. There are only predictions that the release will be done at the fall of 2020 or in the starting 2021.
However, the announcement for renewal has made in June 2020. This is because of ongoing coronavirus pandemic shit that pushed away all the entertainment programs in 2021. That’s why the shooting for the season has not been begun yet.
Creators will not disappoint the patience of the viewer and make season releases very soon.
Letterkenny Season 9 cast
The expected casts for season 9 which will be going to entertain you are as follows:
Jared Keeso as WayneNathan Dales as DaryMichelle Mylett as Katy, K. Trevor Wilson as Squirrelly Dan, Dylan Playfair as Reilly, Andrew Herr as Jonesy, Tyler Johnston as Stewart, Alexander De Jordy as Devon.
Moreover, Dan Petronijevic as McMurray, Melanie Scrofano as Mrs. McMurray, Jacob Tierney as Glen, Lisa Codrington as Gail, Tiio Horn as Tanis, Evan Stern as Roald, Mark Forward as Coach and Sarah Gadon as Gae.
Letterkenny Season 9 plot
In Season 4 we will see the people of Letterkenny and their sufferings. The basic idea is about two brothers, Katy and Wayne who are farmers taking care of a small farm.
The coming season may bring us the grown people of the three gatherings just as their endless battles. We hope to confront difficulties among themselves. These are simply assumptions. We are uncertain if the content for season 9 is prepared. Therefore as of now, there is no report with respect to its plot from the authorities.
That’s all for Letterkenny Season 9. Whenever we get their official reports, we’ll surely update you with the most recent updates. Meanwhile, re-watching past seasons will keep you entertain and engage.