Dreamworks Animation has confirmed that they will be releasing three more installments to their famous, animated adventure movie, ‘Kung Fu Panda.’ The fourth movie is also expected to premiere this year. However, there is no confirmed date available. Rumors also suggest that the movie may have been postponed to a later date in 2021.
As the rumors surrounding the release date of our beloved Panda movie haunts the internet, let’s talk about the most popular fan theory of what to predict next, we know. To recall, the last film had clearly indicated that there is another film in the pipeline which would explore Po’s background furthermore. He is also up and running for the Master’s position. Whether his skills and ability are enough for him to pass through to be the Master, will be explored.
Fan theories also speculate that Panda’s love life may also be represented in the upcoming movie. He will be shown how to get along with his Panda tribe and make accomplice with others of his kind. The last film featured Po finally meeting his biological father after years of being apart. He is invited to visit his village and after much thought, he decides to visit his homeland. When he visits his village, he also meets the villain, Kai and his army who challenge Po and his panda army. Po trains the pandas to fight against the villains. This aspect is also expected to continue along with the fourth film. As far as the cast is concerned, the film is expected to experience the return of Jack Black along with his crew, Po Ping, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen and Jackie Chan.
Co-directors of the movie, Jennifer Yuh Nelson and Alessandro Carloni have previously commented on the film. In a statement, Nelson said that they are taking it slow with the film. Since it is a ‘one at a time’ thing, they want to invest and produce quality. “We want to make this a perfect jewel, and then we’ll see what happens after that.” Carloni on the other hand said that with the upcoming sequels, they don’t want the viewers to have a kind of experience where they have to leave the theatres with too many questions. They want fans to have an open mind and also feel confident that they have completed a journey with the Kung Fu Panda franchise. The film should leave the audience with a completed emotional journey.
As the pandemic situation affects the world, it is not possible to state whether the movies will be released on the specified date. Once the situation is under control, further announcements are expected to be made. Once they are out there, the same will be confirmed by our website.