Kiss Me First is a cyber-thriller drama series in the UK created by Bryan Elsley for Channel 4 and Netflix. The series started airing on 2 April 2018 on Channel 4. The series had been released on Netflix worldwide on 29 June 2018. The first three episodes have been directed by Misha Manson-Smith and the last three episodes have been directed by Tom Green. After the release of Season 1 in 2018 fans have been waiting for Kiss Me First Season 2 ever since.
Is season 2 happening?
There are no reports of the new season so far, but the executive producer Melanie Stokes said that they are hoping to get the series back. Rising the hopes of the fans, also the season 1 ended with a twist. The thing to notice is that the series was not very popular with the critics. The show also got low viewership compared to other shows. So there ain’t much chance of a season 2 getting renewed. It also depends on whether Netflix thinks it’s profitable or not. Also, COVID-19 Pandemic has put down much of the entertainment industry, so Netflix might not invest in a show which is most likely not much famous for gaining a wider audience.
Who will be there in season 2?
Most of the old members would likely be in Kiss Me First Season 2. Tallulah Haddon as the protagonist Leila, Simona Brown as Tess, Matthew Beard as Adrian Palmer, Matthew Aubrey as Jonty, all should be back for the new season.
The characters such as George Jovanovic as Cyril Niemic, Freddie Stewart as Kyle, Misha Butler as Jack Innes, Haruka Abe as Tomiko Teshima, Samuel Bottomley as Ben, Philip Arditti as Azul, Geraldine Somerville as Ruth Palmer might also be back as well.
When will Season 2 come out?
There is no announcement regarding the release, and fans would also gradually lose interest in the new show, as the studios keep delaying. So as to guess the release of the show would be somewhere around mid-2021 to early-2022, keeping in mind all the production issues due to the pandemic.