Kakegurui is a Japanese anime series. The series is adapted from the manga series of the same name written by Homura Kawamoto and illustrated by Tōru Naomura. MAPPA animated the series. It was released in the year 2017 between July to September on Toyko MX, MBS, and other channels. The second season was released in 2019 between January to March. Later the series was taken by Netflix.
The story revolves around students who attend the Hyakkaou Private Academy. Most wealthy and privileged individuals study in school. The main character continues to wreak havoc across the school. The student council tries to silence before the main character becomes a too big problem.
When will Kakegurui Season 3 hit screen?
Now the audience is looking forward to seeing more from the series. Till now no official announcement has been made whether the series is renewed for season 3 or not. There is no update from Netflix and MAPPA. For any clarification regarding the same, the audience will have to wait for official announcements.
What will Kakegurui Season 3 storyline?
Since the series has not been renewed it’s difficult to predict the storyline of season 3. Once the official announcements are made things will be more clear. Speculations are there that if season 3 will happen it will follow the Rei Batsubami retells. The time when the main character was a servant treated like livestock by the Monobami clan. A lady visitor shows kindness towards the main character. But nothing cannot be confirmed.
What will Kakegurui Season 3 cast?
No official details are available regarding the cast of season 3. The audience will have to wait till the season is renewed. Things will be more clear once it is renewed.
Is there any trailer available for Kakegurui Season 3?
Till now trailer or teaser has been officially uploaded by the creators.
Who all have been seen till now in Kakegurui?
Saori Hayami, Minami Tanaka, Tatsuya Tokutake, Iris, Karin Nanami , Mariya Ise, Yū Serizawa, Tomokazu Sugita, Mayu Udono, Ayaka Fukuhara, Miyuki Sawashiro, Mitsuki Saiga