Justice League 2 will not dispatch before 2021. Although, it has been one of the most awaited and anticipated movies and it was supposed to launch in June 2019, which later postponed to August 2019. But eventually, it has been cancelled on account of the instalment of DECU that has barraged about the box office $658 million.
Furthermore, the global pandemic has been another cause of its delay. The production has been on halt and therefore, 2020 does not seem to be the expected date anymore, as per sources confirm.
It can be expected that the series has been renewed. Cast member Synder also mentioned that another sequel of this movie can be amazing.
As per information till now, most of the members from justice league 1 will repeat in Justice league 2 with few new faces adding in the next sequel. All we can predict is Lady Gal Gadot reprising the role of Wonder woman and Jason Mamoa featuring as Aquaman. Ezra Miller is assumed to play the role of Flash and Ray fisher can appear as Cyborg. There is news about Henry Cavill can be projected as superman. No list for new candidates is out yet.
There have been multiple rumours plaguing the internet about the upcoming series. The season will most likely include a supervillain, named Darkseid. While the first part can feature Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Batman, Superman, and Steppenwolf in flashback. The second part will show superheroes battling against the protagonist.
Click on the link to watch the Synder cut trailer:
The trailer, t has released reveals a wide collection of deleted characters and other major changes but the time limit has been fixed to 2 hours as specified by Syndr in his podcasts.
Justice League, although, although to be in line with Avengers like Infinity war and Endgame, where heroes were brought back with time travelling. Justice league reversed the course and came out with a fresh new version. Therefore, the second instalment is expected to bring forth more of its new and fresh storyline.