Jurassic World: Dominion (Jurassic World 3) is an upcoming American science fiction adventure film. The film is directed by Colin Trevorrow and screenplay written by Emily Carmichael and Colin Trevorrow. It a sequel to the film Jurassic World: the Fallen Kingdom which released in 2018. In the Jurassic Park franchise, it is the 6th instalment and 3rd film in the Jurassic World series.
Brief Details About Jurassic World 3 –
The shooting began in February 2020. In March the production was kept on halt due to the pandemic. Shooting again began in July but halted in later. As per sources Jurassic World 3 is supposed to release on June 11, 2021. No official news is there on the release date being pushed back. A senior production executive in an interview shared “We want to make sure that we are going above and beyond the national protocols to create a safe environment”.
Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard will be seen in the same role as confirmed by the director. The director all stated that there are other casts from the Fallen Kingdom who will be seen in the major role. Not many details are available regarding the cast.
Not many details are available related to the plot of Jurassic World 3. The only update what the director has shared it will be a science thriller. It will be the final film in the Jurassic World Series. It is a little early to expect the trailer as production is halted.
Brief Background Of Jurassic World –
Is an American science fiction film released in 2015. Itis the 4th instalment in the Jurassic Park film series and the 1st instalment in the Jurassic World trilogy. The film is directed by Colin Trevorrow. Zach and Gray Mitchell both brothers visit Jurassic World, a dinosaur theme park. The park is in Isla Nublar. Their aunt is the operation manager. Zara is assigned as the guide for the brothers but they explore on their own.