John Wick is an American action thriller movie franchise created by Derek Kolstad and produced by Summit Entertainment. The movie stars, Keanu Reeves as John Wick, who is a retired hitman seeking vengeance for the killing of his beloved dog given by his dear deceased wife.
The franchise of John Wick began in the year 2014 with the release of the first movie titled, John Wick. It was followed by two sequels titled, John Wick: Chapter 2 which was released on 10 February 2017, and John Wick: Chapter 3 which was premiered on 17 May 2019. All the three John Wick movies was a huge hit among the audience all over the world, was appreciated by the critics, and earned $587 million worldwide.
Plot of John Wick 4
John Wick has been one of the most entertaining and extraordinary movies released in the 2010s. The plot of the last three movies have been really engaging, and it was a mystery that unfolded with each scene.
The action sequences the John Wick movies are just beyond excellence. The storyline of John Wick 4 has been kept under wrap; not much has been revealed to the fans and audience. The ending of John Wick Chapter 3- Parabellum saw John Wick interacting with Bowery King after a huge fight with Manager Winston, who shot and almost killed John Wick. Bowery and Wick discuss revenge, so it is anticipated that in the fourth instalment of the movie, we might get to see the duo together taking revenge against The High Table and The Continental. Let’s wait and hope for a thrilling experience of the fourth instalment of John Wick.
Cast of John Wick 4
No official announcement about the cast has been made by the creator, but it is certainly our favourite, Keanu Reeves is returning as John Wick in the fourth instalment. We might get to see some new characters, and it is known that Laurence Fishburne will reprise his role of Bowery King, and Ian McShane will be back as Winston.
Release Date of John Wick 4
The plot and cast of John Wick 4 have been kept under wrap, but the official release date has been announced by the director. The date on which John Wick Chapter 4 is releasing is 27 May 2022. It was originally set to release on 21 May 2021, but the production of the movie was halted because of the sudden outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic.
Also, the shooting schedule of John Wick was clashing with the shoot of Matrix 4, and Keanu Reeves couldn’t manage. Well, Keanu Reeves is all set to start the shooting right after finishing Matrix.
Are you excited about your favourite movie John Wick starring everyone’s favourite actor, Keanu Reeves? Let’s binge-watch, John, Wick till chapter 4 arrives.