The director of American superhero film Avengers: Endgame Joe Russo has reportedly reacted to the news of the next release of Justice League Snyder Cut. Recently, DC Extended Universe has treated fans with the news of the release of Zack Snyder cut of Justice League that it will be released on HBO’s online streaming platform.
It was announced after fans had been campaigning for the release of the Justice League Snyder Cut for more than two years.
However, Fans and actors from the Justice League shared their excitement at the unveiling of the Snyder Cut. Avengers: Endgame co-director Joe Russo also expressed his views on the development in the DC camp and said that it is always amazing to see the vision of the director on the screen.
Besides that, it was also disclosed by Joe Russo while talking with Comic Book Movie that, “I think it’s always great when a director’s original vision can find its way to the screen.” In addition to this, the renowned filmmaker ended his statement by telling us that the director’s cut is the final cuts which are compiled and released in the theatres.
Joe Russo also said that “We have been very, very fortunate in our careers that everything we did for Marvel, we would call our director’s cuts.” And then he went on sharing that they were very respectful, kind, gracious and polite, and also very co-operative of our vision for those movies. Hence, it is useless sitting on the editing room floor that they eventually want back to those movies. And then Joe also explained that “they worked very hard and focused very much on the current cut of those movies, hance, they all are very grateful to have released their director’s cut on all four of those film.
We are happy and so is Snyder that we will be witnessing his version of Justice League. Releasing it on the online platform will entirely be a new experience especially for those who have already watched the previous film. As expressed, we all have only seen one-fourth of the movie as of now, much still awaits.