The Stranger, a mystery thriller series based on a novel by Harlan Coben. A story about a family man who has sent by the undercover network to find the true colours of the closest people in his life. The series has created by Daniel O’Hara, Hannah Quinn and also by Harlan Coben and Danny Brocklehurst. It has released on 30 January 2020 with 8 episodes. The series went satisfactorily and the fans are waiting for the second sequel of The Stranger. As of now, the officials have not declared openly about the sequel. Will we get a sequel for this series? If yes, then when will it release? Scroll further to get all your questions answered.
The plot of The Stranger season 2
In the first season, we saw about the stranger and the secrets about the family. There is no update about the plot of the upcoming season, but we can guess what may arise from the storyline in the first season. In further episodes, they will proceed with their pathetic life. Adam may restrain it as a secret from others that he killed Tripp and may craft Katz for the death. Christine may weaken the family bond by uncovering the secrets. In season one, we saw a group performing some macabre practices, they may play a vital role in the second season by performing the witchcrafts.
The cast of The Stranger season 2
Hannah John Kamen will return as the stranger, Richard Armitage will reprise his role as Adam Prince, Siobhan Finneran will be playing the role of Johanna, Anthony Head will be returning as Edgar Price, Shaun Dooley will play as Doug Tripp, Jennifer Saunders will return as Heidi, Paul Kaye will play as Patrick Katz, Dervla Kirwan will return as Corrine price, Jacob Dudman as Thomas Price, Ella Rae Smith as Daisy Hoy and Stephen Rea as Martin.
Release date of The stranger season 2
There is no official news about the cancellation of season 2 of The Stranger. Also, there is no confirmation about the renewal of season 2. If the series gets renewed, we can expect it to release at the end of 2021 or further later. And the pandemic may further delay the process of season 2.