The Ren and Stimpy is an American animated show directed by John Kricfalusi on Nickelodeon. This show is premiered on August 11, 1991 to December 16, 1995. The show consists of five seasons and 52 episodes.
The Ren and Stimpy was one of the Nickelodeon’s first original animated series on ‘Nicktoons’. In contrast with other show on the Nickelodeon, the series was controversial for its dark comedy, sexual innuendo, adult jokes. Spumco failure to provide episode on time and their deteriorating relationship with the Nicktoon led to Kricfalusi’s termination from the show in 1992, with Games Animation taking over for the rest of the series. The two episodes of series initially left unaired until they were shown on MTV on October 20, 1996.
Nonetheless, the Ren and Stimpy show received good reviews during its original run and quickly developed a cult following.
When Ren and Stimpy again hit the screens?
A restart of series for adult audience, Ren and Stimpy “Adult party cartoon ” was produced by Kricfalusi and Spumco and released in 2003 on Spike TV. This show receiving negative reviews from critics and fans, the series releases only three episode before it cancelled, with three additional episodes being released straight to DVD.
On August 5, 2020, Comedy central announced they had greenlit another restart of the series to be produced without the involvement of Kricfalusi.
Some spotlight on Ren and Stimpy
Ren and Stimpy, created by john Kricfalusi, and title characters in the Nickelodeon . Kricfalusi made the character during stay at Sheridan College and they appeared on film in pilot episode “Big House Blues”. Ren is a emotional fool , scrawny and sociopathic and Stimpy is good natured Manx cat. The show made their wacky, bizarre and often surreal adventures. Full name of Ren and Stimpy are Marlend T. Hoek and Stimpson J. Cat respectively. Their last appearance in Nickelodeon kart racers two: Grand prix (2020). From its start, there were hints at the characters’ sexuality. The species of Ren and Stimpy are Chihuahua dog and Manx cat respectively.