AX is an American anime convention organised by the non-profit Japanese Animation Promotion Societal, which takes place in Los Angeles, California Anime Expo (SPJA). Traditionally the convention is held annually for four days on the first weekend of July. The Los Angeles Convention Center is a regular venue for Anime Expo, but has also been held in other cities like Anaheim, San Jose, New York and Tokyo. Anime Expo is the largest anime convention in North America in 2017.
Is Anime Expo 2020 cancelled?
Anime Expo is associated with the increasing success of anime in the United States over many decades as one of the largest anime conferences on earth. However many sport activities and convention events such as The San Diego Comic Con have been cancelled by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, which has left the fate of Anime Expo unclear in recent weeks. Nevertheless, a recent statement finally confirmed the news that should surprise no one: the formal cancellation of Anime Expo 2020.
When was Anime Expo started?
Since it started in 1992, during the first week of July, Anime Expo celebrated 4 days of animation, manga, videogames and cosplay. Prior to L.A. settlement. The festival was held in other cities such as San Jose, Long Beach and Anaheim in California. This is the first time this case will not be held in exceptional conditions for over 29 years of experience.
Will it happen in 2021?
A new update on the official website and a Twitter clarification of the decision was made by the CEO of the Japanese Animation Promotions Society, Mr. Ray Chiang. The Anime Expo Team could not hold an event that lives up to the expectations of the past or ensures the safety of all participants, because of growing restrictions in Los Angeles and worldwide. However, anyone who purchased a ticket at the Anime Expo 2021 will be able to refund their ticket entirely or roll it over.