NASA new app makes kid aware of Rocket Launches

NASA new app makes kid aware of Rocket Launches

Now, to know how to launch a spacecraft you don’t have to be a rocket scientist. U.S. space agency NASA has launched a new app to make kids aware of how rockets are launched. The free app named, “LSP Activity Book”, helps kids in learning about the mission planning process and precise measurements behind creating the right kind of launch vehicle. The app also teaches about our solar system and asteroid belts.

While describing this new app, NASA said, “You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to launch a NASA spacecraft with NASA’s Rocket Science 101 (RS101)! Select your favorite NASA mission and build a rocket to send the spacecraft into orbit. As you take the RS101 challenge, you can learn more about thrilling missions and the various components of the launch vehicles, how they are configured and how they work together to successfully launch a NASA spacecraft. NASA’s Launch Services Program (LSP) does the same things for real rockets and exciting spacecraft missions every day – now it’s your turn!.”

The app contains some cool features including the character named “Peter the Payload” that guide kids in coloring 24 NASA picture with 14 available colors. After completing each level kids get a certificate of achievement that further ignites more interest in them to complete subsequent levels or activity until they complete the whole activity book.

Currently, the app is available for iOS users and Android users only. NASA already has launched many cool apps including NASA app, ISSLive, Sector 33 and NASA Desert Rats that takes children on a journey to a much bigger world of space science.

The app is now available on App Store and Google Play.

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