Impractical Jokers is an American reality show with a hidden camera and improvisation elements. The show debuted on truTV on 15 December 2011, and produced by NorthSouth Productions. The reality show television series is directed by P.J. Morrison, Peter Fowkes, and Andrew Hood. The executive producers are Charlie DeBevaise, Mark Hickman, Brian Quinn, James Murray, Joe Gatto, Sal Vulcano, Pete McPartland, and Simmy Kusnatowiz.
The cast of Impratical Jokers
The actors in the hidden camera reality television series stars The Tenderloins namely, Brian ‘Q’ Quinn, James ‘Murr’ Murray, Sal Vulcano, and Joe Gatto.
The plot of Impractical Jokers
The reality comedy series have in total, 8 seasons of over 205 episodes. It is a huge hit for its cringe comedy, improvisation elements, and humor. The typical episodes of Impractical Jokers is a series of competitive game of dares in which each joker receive thumbs up or down for his performances. At the end of the episode, the joker with the highest thumbs down will get a punishment. The games include where jokers have to do something what other jokers have asked them to do and it is mostly embarrassing himself by getting engaged with the public. The tagline of the show is, ‘you refuse you lose’. The games heavily rely upon the improvisation. The theme of Impractical Jokers ranges from witty dialogue to slapstick comedy. The instant reaction from the jokers and public serves as the punchlines of the show.
Is there a ninth season of Impractical Jokers?
The eighth season of Impractical Jokers was released on 28 March 2019. To your surprise, there is a ninth season coming next year. It has been renewed by the production company, and also got a release date which is 4 February 2021. A feature movie of the Impractical Jokers was in production since April 2018, which finally released in February 2020. Next year’s going to be a great for the fans of Impractical Jokers as the 9th season consisting of 26 episodes is arriving.