After a weekend of birthday celebrations, Priyanka Chopra has completed the two wonderful years with her husband, Nick. And on the occasion of their second wedding anniversary, she recalled the day when her beloved hubby asked her to marry him.
“Desi girl” Priyanka Chopra reminisced the wonderful day by posting an adorable mirror selfie with Nick Jonas On Monday morning. The wonderful duo is not only looking fabulous in the picture but is also looking for extra mushy in the picture, as the renowned singer Jonas is kissing his wife’s cheek. The Baywatch star Priyanka reminisced the day, two years ago, when her hubby Nick asked her to marry him, and she had no words and was left rather speechless.
The Sky is Pink star posted a picture with the caption “To the greatest joy of my life. 2 years ago on this day you asked me to marry you! I may have been speechless then, but I say yes every moment of every day since.” Apart from that, Priyanka Chopra also expressed her joy as she celebrated her 38th birthday on Saturday with lots of surprises and love and hinted about her excellent birthday celebration.
She also thanked her husband in a sweet manner for being there with her all the time, and she expressed her feelings and love for her lovely hubby. She added in her caption that “In the most unprecedented time you made this weekend so incredibly memorable. Thank you for thinking of me all the time. I am the luckiest girl in the world! I love you, @nickjonas.” After the PC posted a pic with Nick, as soon as her husband Nick, commented on her post and said, “Thank you for saying yes. I love you, beautiful.”
In an interview which was previously held, Nick revealed that he had to wait till midnight for Priyanka’s birthday as he did not want to overlap the day with the proposal day. And he also shared his proposing experience that how he went on to propose her the next day after her birthday and disclosed that “I got down on one knee, again, and I said: ‘Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?’ No joke — she took about 45 seconds. Forty-five seconds of silence.” “I’m going to put this ring on your finger now unless you have any objections,” he told her.