Homeland is a suspenser series based on the story of Prisoners Of War; it was created by Gideon Raff. The series is developed by Alex Gansa and Howard Gordon. The show was initially released on 2 October 2011. And it was produced by Fox studios and was telecasted on a channel named Showtime.
The first two seasons had a great reach and gained many positive comments. The series contains a total of eight seasons. The series was also awarded for the fascinating storyline. The final season was aired on 26 April 2020. The creators announced that the eighth season would be the final one with 12 episodes. Get to know about the series Homeland and will season 8 be the final one.
What is Homeland season 8 about?
In the final season, we saw Saul, the National Security Advisor of the president Warner went to Afghanistan to have a negotiation with the terrorist Taliban about the security and peace of the nation. Carrie leaves her position in the White House and moves to live with her sister and secures the 200 members who were arrested under the president’s order. Later she recovers from the detention she had in the Russian Prison. And Saul tries to seek help from Carrie for his mission.
Meet the cast of Homeland
The lead character Carrie Mathison was played by Claire Danes, Damian Lewis as Nicholas Brody, Mandy Patinkin as Saul Berenson, Morena Baccarin as Jessica Brody, David Harewood as David Estes, Diego KlattenHoff as Mike Faber, Morgan Saylor as Dana Brody, Jackson pace as Chris Brody, Jamey Sheridan as William Walden, David Marciano as Virgil Piotrowski, Navid Negahban as Abu Nazir, Rupert as Perter Quinn, Sarita as Choudhury, Tracy Letts as Senator Andrew, Nazanin Boniadi as Fara Sherazi, Laila Robins as Martha Boyd, Miranda Otto as Alison Carr and Alexander Fehling as Jonas Hollander.
Will there be season 9 of Homeland?
Homeland gained a lot of fans and positive critics from the start. The show had a great run time in these years. But unfortunately, the show came to an end. The creators announced that the eighth season would the last one and cleared that there is no season 9 for Homeland. The fans have to wait for further news.