Homeland is an American spy thriller web television drama created by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa. The series is inspired and based on the Israeli series created by Gideon Raff, namely The Prisoners of War. Homeland revolves around a CIA officer who is a victim of bipolar disorder, and she comes to believe that her colleague is the part of the rivals of the United States and who is a significant threat to the country. The series focuses on this storyline with many twist and turns.
The first season of Homeland was released on 2 October 2011, and ever since then, the series has been a massive hit among the audience. The final episode of Homeland was released on 26 April 2020. Homeland has received many praises and appreciation from the critics and audience worldwide. It has also been nominated for several awards and even won Golden Globe Awards and Emmy Awards.
Though the show has ended, the fans are eager to see if there will be a ninth season of Homeland because they can’t get enough of it already. If the season 9 happens of Homeland, you might want to know the details.
The plot of Homeland season 9
In the last season of Homeland, we saw Saul becoming the National Security Advisor to the President, and the end was not satisfactory to some fans out there. The debate is still on, and they’re eager for the ninth season. The writer of Homeland has clearly given his statement that it was the perfect end for the series and they’re not planning to stretch the plot of Homeland. Unfortunately, there ill be no season 9 of Homeland.
Cast of Homeland
The major cast of Homeland is as follows,
- Claire Danis,
- Damian Lewis,
- Moreca Baccarin,
- Jackson Pace,
- Rupert Friend,
- Tracy Letts,
- Jamey Sheridan,
- Jake Weber,
- Sarita Chaudhary,
- Costa Ronin, and a few others.
Release Date of Homeland 9
No official statement regarding the arrival of the ninth season of Homeland. So it’s better not to expect it anytime soon. If it’s going to happen then the release date would be most probably in the year 2022.
Till then, binge watch all eight seasons of Homeland only on Amazon Prime Video!