Directed by Kenny Ortega, Hocus Pocus is an American comedy film, which was first premiered in 1993. It was an original creation of Walt Disney Pictures. It starred Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, Sarah Jessica Parker as the three protagonists, and Omri Katz, Thora Birch, and Vinessa Shaw in the supporting roles. Hocus Pocus, when it first aired on the theatres, did not do very well. It was disproved by the critics and received tonnes of cold reviews at the beginning, which led Disney to lose around $17 million. Later on, after many years this film about witchcraft gained the recognition after Disney aired it on its channels, which made the viewers rediscover this film and appreciate its excellence. The film is broadcasted on almost every Halloween, owing to its brilliant scripting.
The plot revolves around three witches, who were revived by a boy from Salem, Massachusetts, by mistake on a Halloween night. This film was initially named “Halloween House” but was later changed to Hocus Pocus, as the makers thought that the last name was implicating the film to be more of a horror genre than of comedy. After years of gaining fame, Disney finally decided to come up with another sequel of Hocus Pocus after 27 years.
When Will Hocus Pocus 2 Hit The Screens?
There has been no official announcement with regards to the release date of Hocus Pocus 2 yet. The rumours are that the production and filming have not even begun yet. This, in all probability, can be because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic worldwide. The global crisis has severely affected the entertainment industry and has put a lot of production on hold. The makers of the sequel will probably resume their filming once the pandemic comes under control. Disney is hoping Hocus Pocus 2 to be a grand success. Hence they will not compromise with mediocrity in its production. They will take their time to make this film near perfect, and to do this might take some time. If the filming resumes later this year, we might expect the movie to hit the big screens by the end of 2021 or early 2022.
Who Will Return As The Cast?
The makers have not yet confirmed the cast of the sequel. Still, we can rest assured that the three lead characters from Hocus Pocus, Sarah Jessica Parker as Sarah Sanderson, Stephanie Faracy as Jenny Dennison, and Bette Midler as Winifred Sanderson, will return for the upcoming launch.