One of the anime series that has gained a lot of popularity among the youngsters in recent times is High School DxD. Under the direction of Tetsuya Yanagisawa, and produced by TNK, this TV series has been based on one of the light novels of the same name by Ichiei Ishibumi. This Japanese anime was first premiered on AT-X on 6 January 2012. Currently, the series has been legalized to get distributed in markets of the United Kingdom, Australia, and the USA.
This show has delivered an intriguing storyline about falling angels and devils. The story revolves around an all-girl school that has recently been converted into a co-ed school. The story follows the repercussions of a date gone haywire.
The lead character of the High School DxD Issei Hyodo, who was living very everyday life, gets asked out on a date by a girl of the same school. To his surprise, the girl claims herself as a fallen angel and asks for his life on their first date. After the sudden turn of events, he is rescued by Rias Gremory, a third-year student. After regaining his consciousness, he realizes himself as a devil.
When Is High School DxD Season 5 Coming Out?
The makers of the show have not revealed the official date of its release yet. The production of this series has been put on hold due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. The showrunners are currently waiting for the situation to get a bit under control so that they can resume the production as early as possible. It seems like the fans, and the viewers need to wait for a little before they get a glimpse of the upcoming sequel. Even though it has not been confirmed yet, we are hoping the next season to launch sometime in 2021. We are waiting for the official sources to confirm and reveal the dates soon.
Who Can We See As The Cast In The Upcoming Sequel?
Although nothing has been confirmed yet, fans can still expect the primary cast to return in the sequel. We are hoping to see:
- Azumi Asakura voice for Rias Gremory,
- Shizuka It for Akeno Himejima,
- Ayena Taketatsu for Koneko Toujou, and
- Kenji Nojima for Yuuto Kiba.
We are not expecting any additions in the cast as of now. The makers had not confirmed the cast for the next sequel, and we are all ears for new announcements to be made by the officials on the anticipated season.
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