Highschool DXD is a phenomenal anime series and in the upcoming season, the series will focus itself on Harem. The continuation of “Oppai Dragon” arc is expected. High School DXD has now been updated for a fifth season.
High School DXD had made its debut on January 6, 2012, and the fifth season is much anticipated by the fans. The series offers a fascinating mixture of love, comedy and friendship.
High School DXD is an action cum sexual comedy. Centering on the story of Issei, each season develops Issei’s romantic plot and relationships further. His relationships is explored both within the Occult Research Club and the Three Factions. Issei hs attracted the attention of many female characters throughout the series.
This series is based on the Japanese light novel series of same name by Ichiei Ishibumi. The illustrations have been carried out by Miyama-Zero. The upcoming season will further develop the plot of Issei Hyodom.
The last we had seen in this series was when Issei purges the curse of his sacred gear and stands up as Queen piece. Sairaorg and Issei are against each other in the final fist fight where the winner takes all. Also, Issei worries about his confession to Rias.
High School DXD Season 5: release date
It is now officially renewed for a fifth season. The release date of season 5 of High School DXD is still not available and we expect it to release in 2021. The official confirmation on this is still awaited. Season 4 was available by mid 2018.
High School DXD Season 5: Cast update
Most of the cast members will be back since again to resume their respective roles for season 5 of High School DXD.
High School DXD Season 5: Plot
High School DXD is developed by Passione studio. It has been revealed that season 5 will cover up the ‘Hero Oppai Dragon’ story from the novel on which it is based.
Issei on Season 4 is attacked by a fox yokai in Kyoto and it is apparent that the Chaos Brigade has brought this on. The fox yokai’s mother is missing. Only the grabbing dragon and his voluptuous vixens are ready to battle this and bring back the yokai’s mother. Season 5 will continue this story arc as the hero oppai dragon story for High School DXD.