Wise Man’s Grandchild is a Japanese light novel series written by Tsuyoshi Yoshioka and illustrated by Seiji Kikuchi. In January 2015 it began serialization online. It was shown on the user-generated novel publishing website Shosetsuka ni Naro. Enterbrain acquired it and publish 11 volumes since 2015. An anime television series adaptation aired from April 10 to June 26, 2019. It was created by Silver Link.
A young salaryman died in an accident. He was reborn in another world filled with demons and magic. When he was small he was picked by the patriot hero “Sage” Merlin Wolford. Shin was the name given to him. Sage raised him as his grandson. He learned many things from Sage which gave him some irresistible powers. At the 15th age of Shin, Sage realized that he did not teach him common sense. Later Shin rescues two minor girls.
When will Wise Man’s Grandchild Season 2 hit screen?
No official announcement has been regarding the renewal of season 2. In 2018 the serialization of the novel was stopped and the last volume was issued. It is very unpredictable that season 1 contains all the volumes or some part is left. The audience will have to wait till in further clarifications are made from the creators.
What would be Wise Man’s Grandchild Season 2 storyline?
Since the official announcement of the renewal of season 2 is not made it’s difficult to predict the storyline. No proper clarification can be given regarding the story. The audience will have to keep guessing till the official details are out.
Who all can be seen in Wise Man’s Grandchild Season 2?
Till the official announcements are made it would be difficult to predict the cast of season 2. Whether it will be only with the old cast or some new faces will be there is a big question in the minds of the audience.
What are the main characters Wise Man’s Grandchild?
Shin Wolford voiced, August von Earlshide, Maria von Messina, Sizilien “Sicily” von Claude, Alice Corner, Thor von Flegel, Lynn Hughes, Yuri Carlton, Tony Freyd, Julius von Littenheim, Mark Bean, Olivia Stone, Merlin Wolford, Melida Bowen, Diseum von Earlshide, Elizabeth von Koralle, May von Earlshide, Michel Collins, Siegfried Marquez, Christina Hayden, Kurt von Rietsburg, Oliver Schtrom, Zest, Miria, Lawrence