Ozark is a Netflix’s original hit crime drama series, the plot of which is surrounded Byrde family who are forced to flee to Ozark after a money-laundering activity goes wrong in Chicago. After completion of two mesmerizing seasons of Ozark now its time for the third so here’s all the important news about Ozark’s season 3 for the Ozark fans.
Ozark Season 3 Release Date:
Fans excitement aroused when Leading character of the Ozark series Jason Bateman confirmed on twitter about the renewed third season of Ozark. Announcing about the season he tweeted-“I’m happy about me but concerned for Marty-It’s official Ozark 3 on its way”. There is no exact releasing date announced yet, but Ozark season 1 came in July 2017 and Season 2 came in August 2018, so we hope we can witness Ozark season 3 on the air in mid-2020’s. Though we will inform you about the official releasing dates soon.
Ozark season 3 Cast :
Some new names are to be introduced to the Ozark season 3, Marvel Tv stars who recently been made redundant by Netflix are joining this season. Erin, who is Helen’s teenage daughter, will be played by “Madison Thompson.” Jessica Frances Dukes, Tom Pelphrey from Iron Fist and Jessica Jones respectively will be back. The Entire Byrde family is going to return including Laura Linney and Jason Bateman.
Ozark Season 3 Expected Plot:
Season 3 will be focused on showing all the possible efforts made by Ruth Langmore to come closer to the Byrde family as stated by the showrunner Chris Mundy. In this season, we will see Marty and family getting deeper into the ocean of darkness.
We will witness the efforts of Byrde family to come out of the criminal enterprise in which they are trapped, this season will show the unrevealed history to the audience.
Another announcement reveals that there will be a total of 5 seasons of Ozark which means there are three more seasons on track. Ozark season 3 will be aired on Netflix once it gets released, so all the die-hards fans have to wait for season 3, and we hope that the third season proves to be colossal for you.