The Haikyuu anime first premiered on April 6, 2014, on MBS. Based on the Japanese Shonen Manga of the same name, it is an action-comedy-drama based on high school volleyball and has been well received by fans across the globe. The show is currently in its fourth season.
It follows lead character Shoyo Hinata’s pursuit of becoming an extraordinary volleyball player, despite his small stature. Based on the manga of the same name, both its manga and anime variations have received worldwide praise and fan following.
Haikyuu Season 4 Pt.II Release Date
The official release date for the second half of the fourth season was announced to be sometime in July 2020, but the release has now been delayed and the new date is yet unannounced. We assume the delay was caused due to the pandemic putting a halt to production, and if that is the case, then considering how long the pandemic lasted, we could hope for an early-to-mid 2021 release date.
Expect any trailers and promos to arrive a month or two before release.
Watching Karasuno High School qualify for the nationals on TV, Shoyo becomes fascinated and develops a love for volleyball. He is inspired especially by the ‘Little Giant’, Karasuno’s winger who happened to be of short stature just like him.
Full of enthusiasm, Hinata enrolls in his high school volleyball team but discovers he is the only member there. He, therefore, spends the next two years recruiting students to his team and teaching them about volleyball.
Later, Hinata works hard and enrolls in Karasuno, the same school that inspired him, only to discover they have lost their flair post the era of the Little Giant.
In season 4 pt.I, the Karasuno High School Volleyball team managed to make it through to the National Tournament. Hinata has his eyes set on fellow teammate Kageyama as he looks to surpass him.
Haikyuu Cast
The voice-over was given by Ayumu Murase for Shoyo Hinata, Kaito Ishikawa for Tobio Kageyama, Yu Hayashi for Ryunosuke Tanaka, Satoshi Hino for Daichi Sawamura, Miyu Irino for Koshi Sugawara, and Koki Uchiyama for Kei Tsukishima.
Where to Watch
All seasons of Haikyuu can be streamed on several streaming platforms including Netflix, PrimeVideo, Hulu, and Crunchyroll.