Gotham is an American action crime thriller series created by Bruno Heller and produced by Warner Bros. Television. The series is based on the characters of DC Comics, mainly on James Gordon and Bruce Wayne. The first season of Gotham premiered on the channel Fox on 22 September 2014, and it became an instant hit among the DC fans.
The storyline of Gotham originally intended to focus on Gordon’s life with Gotham Police Department, but with time they introduced the character, Bruce Wayne, along with many villains from the Batman series, for instance, the Joker, Bane, Mad Hatter, Cat woman, and others.
After a successful five seasons of Gotham, Fox decided it to be the finale and end of the series. The fifth season consisted of 12 episodes, which aired on 3 January 2019, and concluded on 25 April 2019. Gotham has been praised for its direction, production, character developments, writing, and fun take on Batman myths.
Despite the huge fan following of Gotham, the creator has decided to conclude the show. So, unfortunately, there will be no sixth season of Gotham as of now.
Plot for Gotham Season 6
If season 6 of Gotham happens then, it will be totally unexpected Because, in the fifth season, the ending was perfectly suitable for the series. In the new season, the writer will bring some new twists and turns. The creators will definitely make something different and unique for the sixth installment. They’ve not revealed any plans regarding the sixth season of Gotham yet.
Cast of Gotham Season 6
The major cast of Gotham might reprise their respective roles if the sixth season happens, and that includes Ben McKenzie, Donal Logue, David Mazouz, Sean Pertwee, Zebryba Gueverra, Lili Simons, Erin Richards, Robin Lord Taylor, Andrew Stewart Johns, Cory Michael Smith, and few others. If there’s a new plot for the sixth season, we might get to see new faces and characters.