The kingdom is a historical horror series written by Kim Eun-hee and directed by Kim Seong-hun. The series was released on 25 January 2019. It was based on a book named Land of the Gods, and it was the first original Korean series on Netflix.
After the positive responses, the second season was released on 13 March 2020. Now the fans are eagerly waiting for the third season. The fans are waiting for the cast to return with season 3. Will the cast return with kingdom season three? If yes, then what will be the plot, and who will return? Go further to get the answers.
Will the kingdom renew for season three?
The second season was released five months back, yet there is no official news about the series renewing for the third season. In an interview, Kim Eun-hee said that if the viewers permit, then he is willing to do the series till season 10. And the scriptwriter also mentioned that she is on the preparation of the script. This news gave confidence to the fans that the kingdom will return with season 3.
What can kingdom season 3 be about?
Kingdom season one story was about hunger and the second season was about blood. What season three will show is not revealed yet, but we will definitely get something that will make the viewers thrilled. The show may show the journey of finding the cure to the plague or about the young prince who can be easily affected, and the deadly creature he will become after his brain is affected.
The star cast of kingdom season 3
It is well known that Jun Ji Hyun will return for season 3 as she revealed that she spread the resurgence germ in Korea. Ju Ji Hoon will return as the crown prince Chang; Bae Doo-na will play Seo-bi, Kim sung kyu will return as young shin, Jun Suk-ho will reprise her role as Jo Beom-pal, and Moo young’s wife role will be played by Ahn Eun Jin. We have lost many of the characters in season 2 due to the plague. The other characters are not confirmed yet, and there is no news about the addition of characters.
date of Kingdom season 3
Though there is no official news about the launch date of season 3, the series may be released at the end of 2021 or at the start of 2022, due to the pandemic effect.