The Marvel Cinematic Universe might be lossing on Spider-Man, but yet they are gaining another Superhero. Kit Harington, the star popularly renowned for his role as Jon Snow in the famous series Game of Thrones is all set to join The Marvel Cinematic Universe as Dane Whitman. The character is also known as Black Knight. The President of MCU, Kevin Feige made this announcement at Disney’s D23 Conference in California over the weekend. The show that will feature Harington is known as The Eternals.
Marvel is all set to enter “stage four” of its pictorial universe. After Avengers:Endgame concluded the storylines of some of the most popular superheroes, new superheroes will have to emerge as the pioneers of Marvel’s team. Also, Marvel is supposedly losing the rights to feature Spider-Man in future movies, which means the studio is in need of recognizable faces to captivate fans into their new phase of movies.
The character of Black Knight was created by Roy Thomas in 1966, Marvel’s Editor in Chief. Despite the fact that Whitman was a member of the Masters of Evil, he joined the Marvel team to bring it down. This made him to turn into an Avenger. According to Feige, Harington is going to play a Non-Eternal role which means he could be the villain of the show.
Other than Harignton, The Eternals features Angelina Jolie, Kumail Nanjani, Salma Hayek, Brian Tyree Henry and Richard Madden. The show is going to be a treat to watch as it features these popular faces.
The due date for the release of the show remains Novemeber 6, 2020. The plot of the show remains unknown. Its also unclear as to how will they portray the character of Harington in the wider MCU.