The Fast & Furious franchise has been one of the leading series that has been critically acclaimed and received tons of positive reviews, ever since the release of its first part. Created by Justin Lin, this franchise is mostly popular among the teenagers. And has been commercially successful for the past two decade. It has acquired an average rating of 7.3 out of 10, which verifies its popularity. The first part of the franchise was aired in 2001, and has been into limelight since then.
The story revolves around the whereabouts of Dominic Toretto, and his group of friends who determine to catch one of the highly skilled assassins, they have ever come across. This mysterious man is none other than his forsaken brother, who is back after so many years to achieve something that is unknown by all.
Fast and Furious 9 Release Date
Nothing has been announced regarding the release date of the upcoming movie of Fast and Furious franchise. However the ninth part of the series was supposed to be aired on 20th May 2020, but due to the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, it had to be put on hold. In fact besides this franchise, all other releases and productions were put on hold since March 2020. It had been strictly advised by the governments all over the world to maintain social distancing and to stay indoors unless everything resumes back to normalcy.
Although things are slowly getting back into normalcy, but still nothing much can be commented about the release date unless the official sources releases any statement. It is expected that the ninth part shall be dropping sometime in early 2021 in the theaters. If not in first half of the year, then surely by mid 2021.
Has The Official Trailer Been Out By The Makers?
An official trailer has been released by the franchise back in February 2020. You can catch a glimpse of that on YouTube, as it is available in there. Fans are eagerly waiting for the upcoming part to drop as the franchise has been giving blockbuster films since 2001, and the entire lead cast has been the best part of the saga. They are the complete package of solid action, romance, thriller and adventure. The franchise also contains short films, television series, live shows and most popularly video games for kids. We hope to get hold of further updates soon and until then, stay tuned!