Fast and Furious 9 is known as F9 is an upcoming American action film. The film had directed by Justin Lin and written by Daniel Casey. This film is a sequel to The Fate of the Furious which released in 2017. The film will be the 9th instalment in the Fast and Furious franchise and the 10th full-length film release all over.
The Fast and Furious franchise is one of the most popular in Hollywood. This started in the year 2001 and the last film released in 2017 was a super hit.
Release Date Fast And Furious 9 –
It has planned for 2020 May release but now due to the global pandemic, it will release in April 2021. In a statement released in the month of February by the team, it mentioned that it won’t be possible for the audience across the world to see it in the month of May. The audience will be disappointed for sure but the safety of everyone is more important.
Premise Of Fast And Furious 9 –
Domonic Toretto and his family must face his younger brother Jakob after the events of The Fate of the Furious. His brother is a deadly assassin and he works with their old enemy. The brother has a personal grudge on Domonic.
Main Cast Of Fast And Furious 9 –
John Cena, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Vin Diesel, Charlize Theron, Michelle Rodriguez, Helen Mirren, Tyrese Gibson, Sung Kang, Ludacris
Brief Details Of Fast And Furious 9 –
Between June and November 2019 the filming of part 9 took place in London, Los Angeles, Edinburgh, Thailand, and Georgia. The trailer of part 9 released in January 2020 which gave a brief insight for the audience. The very end of the trailer shows somehow Han is back. “Nice clubhouse,” he says as he casually strolls back into Dom’s life, and it seems Letty knew that Han was still alive. How he survived the audience will have to wait for the film to release to know more.