Most renowned TV reality star Kylie Jenner has shared a lovely snap with her daughter Stormi on her Instagram account. Her recent post shows the strongest bond between the mother-daughter duo. Kylie Jenner has been quarantining with adorable daughter Stormi since the coronavirus lockdown has been imposed. And they both are having a fun time together as the “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” star treats her fans with day to day activity on her social media account.
Recently, the founder of the Kylie Cosmetics took her Instagram account to share the cute picture with her daughter. In the picture, we can see that the most lovable mother and daughter duo is sitting at the edge of the red car and striking a stunning candid pose as well.
In her recent post, our adorable model Kylie is spotted in a completely black outfit as she wore an attractive black leather jacket along with tight black pants, and her white sneakers were giving the compliment to her. She is looking stunning in her latest snap in middle parting bun hairdo, with dewy makeup.
In spite of that, Kylie’s daughter, Stormi, is also looking very cute in a black t-shirt and black shorts. She was also spotted in black sneakers. In this picture, both Mumma and daughter are giving compliments to each other. Along with the sweet snap, the famous model also added a heartfelt captioned for her adored one. Kylie captioned the picture as “I knew I won when I had you.” You can check out the recent post of her below.
As seen that the actress posted the picture, fans could not stop themselves from giving compliments on these adorable snaps. The actress’s social media account has got flooded with her fan’s comments and sweet notes. One of her fans commented on her post “can’t get over this pic,”, another user wrote “Such an adorable pic,” while the other user added that “loving this,” and similar compliments were posted by her fans and followers on this lovely post.
Kylie Jenner often delights her fans with the lovely photos of her daughter and grabs attention from fans. That’s why Stormi became one of the favourite star kids on the internet. Besides that, a few days back, an appreciation post for her lovable daughter was also shared by the actress, in which she captioned “I love this little baby so much I want to burst.. sometimes I just look at her and cry knowing she will never be this small ever again. who knew something so little could take up most of your heart. God made no mistakes with you storm baby.”