Ragnarok is a fantasy superhero drama directed by Mogens Hagedorn for Netflix. The story was written by Adam Price and produced by Stine Meldgaard. The story of a boy who is the epitome of Thor. Fights against the evil who are trying to destroy the world. The series was released on 31 January 2020 with six episodes. The series has been renewed for the second season. Now get to know the cast, plot, and release date of Ragnarok season 2.
What will Ragnarok season 2 be about?
In the last episode, we saw that Magne was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. For informs Magne, the toxic barrels are going to be shipped. Magne saves Gry from Fjor’s attack. Vidar attacks Magne with the lightning after identifying him as Thor. But after a great struggle, Magne survives at the end by striking Vigar.
The Jutul’s is a powerful family; by striking out, Vigar Magne has to now face the whole family. Many more potential giants and gods will show up. It is also shown that Laurits may belong to the Loki heritage. If that turns true, then there can be a huge battle between Magne and Loki.
Who will star in Ragnarok season 2?
As per the requirements, the main cast will be returning for season 2 of Ragnarok. That is, David Stakston will return as Magne seier, the embodiment of the Thunder God. Jonas Strand Gravli as Magne’s mother Laurits Seier. Herman Tommeraas will return as the Fjor. Theresa Frostad Eggesbo will play as Saxa. Emma Bones will return as Fjor’s love interest, Gry. Henriette Steenstrup as Magne’s and Laurit’s mother, Turid Seier. Gisli Orn as Vidar, the local tycoon. Synnove Macody Lund as the Principal of the high school, Ran.
As Vidar, the leader of the Jutal family, was shown like the dead, we may get to see some new immortals and enemies in the upcoming season. There is no official update about the addition of new characters.
When will Ragnarok season 2 release?
The show was recently renewed for the second season. The first season was released a few months ago. Also, the corona issue will further postpone the shooting procedure. So we cannot get the series until the end of this year. We may get the second season at the end of 2021.