Spanish teen drama series Elite became an instant hit since it was first released on Netflix back in 2018. Since then, the series featuring secondary school named Las Encinas and how students from the working-class try to fit in with their wealthy peers has been renewed for three seasons. All three seasons of Elite have received positive critics reviews and have amassed massive fanbase worldwide. Seeing the worldwide success of Elite, online streaming giant Netflix has renewed the series for its fourth season.
Elite Season 4 Release Date
Netflix announced to renew the series just two months after the Elite season 3 was dropped on Netflix. However, the online streaming giant has not yet revealed the release date of Elite season 4. Considering the past history, fans can assume Elite Season 4 to release in the first quarter of 2021.
The confirmation of Elite season 4 came by Bernardeau, who plays Guzmán Nunier Osuna. “I wanted to tell you that we have got the scripts of season 4 and they look so good,” said Berbardeau.
Apparently, the coronavirus pandemic has shaken the global entertainment industry badly and nearly all the shows that were in production are witnessing a delay of nearly six months as production team and actors are in lockdown following social distancing norms. Seeing the trend, it will not be wrong to believe that fans won’t be able to see Elite season 4 before July 2021.
Elite Season 4 Cast
Fans can anticipate seeing even more of Itzan Escamilla as Samuel García Domínguez in the new collection – one of the 3 transfer pupils that are shy and good-natured.
Miguel Bernardeau will, of course, be back as Guzmán Nunier Osuna, one of the prominent pupils at the college.
Arón Piper will reprise his duty as Ander Muñoz, the kid of the principal od the school who is under pressure to outshine the various other pupils.
Leïti Sène as Malick and Sergio Momo as Yeray were presented in period three, so there is a chance they will return.
The show is renowned for introducing new characters annually, so followers can also expect to see some brand-new faces in period 4.
Is there a trailer for Elite season 4?
Unfortunately, as the new season has actually only just been announced, there is no trailer for Elite season 4 available currently.
Netflix usually drops trailers just few months before the release of new series. So, fans can expect to see trailer for Elite season 4 in 2021.
“I wish I could see your faces when you watch it because you are going to flip out. There are many new things going on you could never think of,” said Georgina Amorós.
“I don’t know even how to start telling you what’s new. I’m looking forward to meeting my friends again and being in class with them,” Omar Ayuso added: