Dwight Gooden, commonly known as “Doc Gooden” is a famous baseball player. He has played in the Major League Baseball for 16 seasons. He has pitched for New York Mets, New York Yankees, Cleveland Indians, Houston Astros, and Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Gooden was considered a very talented player at the time. However, he had to face many financial crises during his career. However, he has bagged a lot of awards along with leagues for his skills in the game. Gooden has helped all the teams he has played for and led them to success. To know more about his personal life, childhood, career and net worth, keep reading. Some quick facts about Dwight Gooden before that.
Quick Facts About Dwight Gooden
- Renowned for being a baseball pitcher
- Born on: November 16, 1964
- Age: 56 years
- Profession: Baseball Pitcher
- Married to: not known
- Kids; not known
- Siblings: not known
How He Became Famous?
Dwight Gooden was born in Tampa, Florida. He began his career at an early age of 19. He was selected by the New York Mets and made his entry in the major leagues. He earned his name after this and was appreciated for his 98 mile-per-hour fastball and an arching curve-ball. Dwight has also had several nicknames over the years like “Dr K,” “K”. Moreover, in 1985, he made some really good name through his 24 wins, 268 strikeouts, and a 1.53 ERA. This was the lowest record in “live ball”. However, Dwight has managed to make a mark at such a young age. However, he failed to put forward all his potential as he struggled with alcohol and cocaine abuse. The player who used to earn millions lost it all due to his legal and issues with drugs and alcohol.
Personal life
Dwight’s personal life is not open and we don’t have much information about his love life. However, he was involved in a case for punching his girlfriend during a fight. We also know that the celebrity got divorced with his wife and had to pay her an amount every month.
Net worth of Dwight Gooden
Dwight Gooden was known to have earned millions during his days of fame. However, he lost them all due to his financial crisis. At present, he is known to have an estimate of $300 thousand.