Drop Dead Fred is a British American black comedy movie released on May 24, 1991. Created by Ate de Jong and Co produces by Polygram Filmed Entertainment and Working Title Films. Filming began in August 1990 and finished in September 1990. Box office collection 14.8 million dollars.
Rik Mayall cast as the main character, a happy and mischievous imaginary of a teenage girl named Elizabeth and Nemesis of her domineering mother Polly. It is a story of young women who attempt to find her place with world battle with her dominating mother and a womanizing husband finds comfort with the appearance of her childhood friend.
What is the storyline of the movie?
Elizabeth Cronin is a repressed woman, dominated by her mother Polly, who blames her for her divorce. While taking Elizabeth her daughter to lunch break from work, she visited her husband Charles, from whom she is separated. Charles causes Chaos around her home and neighbourhood, but nobody can see him except her. When Elizabeth grows up and has an emotional crisis, he returns to “cheer her up” in his own unique way, causing more chaos than ever before.
Who played the respective roles in the movie?
- Phoebe Cates as Elizabeth Cronin, main character
- Rik Mayall as Drop Dead Fred
- Ashley Peldon as teenage Elizabeth
- Marsha Mason as Polly Cronin
- Ron Eldard as Mickey Bunce
- Carrie Fisher as Janie
- Tim Matheson as Charles
- Denial Gerroll as Nigel Cronin
- Keith Charles as Murry
- Bridget Fonda as Annabella
Tim Burton and Robin were offered the role of director and Fred respectively. They turned the project below the mark level.
Drop Dead Fred: Reviews
Drop Dead Fred is a good movie. The premise is creative, the characters are likeable, the humour is funny, and the friendship between Fred and Elizabeth is really interesting and heart-melting. It’s love to see a movie that portrays a friendship as beautiful as a romance. And as for Drop Dead Fred himself, I love him.
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