Do It Yourself is a new upcoming Japanese anime series originally illustrated by Kazuhiro Yoneda. This series is written by Kazuyuki Fudeyesu. Characters are designed by Yusuke Matsuo and the music in the series is composed by Ryohi Sataka.
The series with an English dub will be out soon, although it’s available with English subtitles. One of the best-revealed songs would be seen in this series. The song is, “Dikodoki Idea o Yoroshiku”.
“Do It Yourself Anime Series Trailer Reveals Release Date:
Great efforts are performed by Konomi Inagaki, Kana Ichinose, Azuni Waki, Ayane Sakura, Karim Takahasi and Nichika Omori in the opening off the song. Crunchyroll has licensed this anime series to be available outside Asia. The new trailer began trending after it was announced that the first episode would premier early in October 2022. This anime series is about school and the life of students, this series won’t be boring even though it’s not an action anime.
This is a story of an ordinary student Serufu Yua and other students as they live a normal life while attending school. Things become more interesting when he meets his new friends, which begin the moments for him even though the students might have faced hard times.
Do It Yourself Anime Trailer:
More About The Anime Do It Yourself:
Pine Jam’s upcoming original Japanese anime series Do It Yourself!! is planned to premiere in Summer 2020. Kazuhiro Yoneda directs the series, Kazuyuki Fudeyasu writes it, Yūsuke Matsuo designs the characters, and Ryōhei Sataka composes the music.’
“Dokidoki Idea o Yoroshiku!” is the opening song, performed by Konomi Inagaki, Kana Ichinose, Ayane Sakura, Azumi Waki, Karin Takahashi, and Nichika Omori. [4] Outside of Asia, Crunchyroll has acquired the program.
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