The renowned Rapper Kanye West reportedly disclosed that he came in contact with most infectious disease coronavirus in February. He delivered this shocking news after announcing his intentions to run for the presidential elections.
In a recent interview which was held with a prestigious news portal, he revealed that he tested positive for the lethal COVID-19 in late February, Along with that, Kanye also explained about his symptoms of this most infectious disease what he had. The Fade singer mentioned that he kept shaking in bed and constantly took hot showers.
Recalling his worst tine, Kanye also explained that, he was afflicted with ‘chills’ and viewed many videos to obtain more knowledge about the illness treatment. In the interview, Kanye also hinted that rapper Drake was also tested positive. He continued that when he got to know about Drake’s coronavirus infection, he replied in a funny way that “Drake couldn’t be sicker than me!”. However, some reports confirmed that Drake’s coronavirus report was found negative.
Apart from that, Kanye also confessed in his interview that his COVID-19 infection had no connection at all with his decision to compete in the presidential elections of 2020, and observed that ‘God had articulated this to him and told him it’s time.’
In addition to this, Kanye West also discussed the concept of controlling the novel Coronavirus through vaccinations and called it ‘the mark of the beast’. Kanye West clarified his statement and said that he is extremely cautious, as many children are vaccinated and paralyzed.
Besides this, the 43 years old singer also stated that “they want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things, to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven. I’m sorry when I say they, the humans that have the Devil inside them. And the saddest thing is that we all won’t make it to heaven, that there’ll be some of us that do not make it.”
Kanye West has also expressed his views regarding the COVID-19 treatment, and claimed: that’s ‘praying’. However, there are several reports which suggest that Kanye West is currently residing at his Wyoming ranch with his beloved wife Kim Kardashian and children.
As Kanye revealed that he tested positive in late February, it makes him the first Hollywood celeb who came in contact with this most infectious disease, while, Tom Hanks was tested positive in March 2020.