Nichol, a geologist, and Colorado native who was working in the environmental department at Anadarko Petroleum when she met Chris, who was then an executive at the oil and gas research company.
They initially met in June 2018. Later started a relationship at the beginning of July, barely a month before Chris abolished his wife and two daughters on the 13th of August. Nichol told The Denver Post in November 2018 that she does not know Chris and Shan’ann were yet married; he told her he was departed and nearing the end of divorce procedures, she said.
Nichol alleges the lies perpetuated during their short-lived romance: She said Chris told her in late July that his divorce had been settled and later asked for her help to find a proper apartment for him and his young daughters. She described him as a good listener and a soft-spoken person.
Where is Nichol Kessinger now?
Nichol did not testify in court at Chris’s trial. He has not been heard from since her 2018 interview with The Denver Post. You must not assume to hear from Nichol any time soon: In interviews with the police, she expressed fears about her name being “attacked,” saying, “I would not be surprised if it is going to be difficult to go out in public sometimes for a couple of years,” according to recordings of the interviews collected by The Daily Mail.
Chris’s mistress was just as shocked as the rest of the world when she found out that the one whom she loves was a murderer.
In Nichol’s eyes, he was a “softly spoken” father-of-two, but that could not have been added from the truth.
Rather, he was a lying murderer who murdered his pregnant wife Shanann, 34, along with their two daughters, Bella, 4, and also Celeste, 3 on the 12th of August 2018.
He drained their bodies in a distant oilfield owned by his ex-employer and is now serving many life sentences in a Wisconsin prison.
Nichol, who has not been seen publicly or heard from since giving proof in Chris’s case, has reportedly now applied to alter her name since being linked to the brutal murders.
The 32-year-old, thought to have been living in spectator protection, was due to have a hearing last Thursday after petitioning to change her name in Jefferson County, Colorado earlier this month, according to the Daily Mail.