Chris Hemsworth is in India for the shooting of Extraction which is scheduled to launch in 2020. During the shoot, Chris got stunned when a fan started chasing him on his bike while Chris was in the backseat of the car. He told the rider to look ahead so he doesn’t meet an accident, but the fan was adamant and chased down Chris’s car until it stopped.
Chris Hemsworth shared the incident on his official Instagram handle and Twitter account. The video went viral on social media and has garnered millions of likes, shares, and retweets.
In the video, one can see that the Australian actor is worried about the fan and tells him to focus on the road so he doesn’t meet an accident. Chris said the biker was one of the most enthusiastic fans he has ever met. “Persistence pays off – not only did this guy get an autograph, but he also does all my motorbike stunts from now on,” wrote in the tweet.
Persistence pays off – not only did this guy get an autograph, he also does all my motorbike stunts from now on.
— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) April 21, 2020
Christopher Hemsworth (born 11 August 1983)is an Australian actor. He rose to prominence playing Kim Hyde in the Australian TV series Home and Away (2004–07) before beginning a film career in Hollywood by taking on parts in the science fiction film Star Trek (2009) and the thriller A Perfect Getaway (2009).
Hemsworth went on to star in the fantasy film Snow White and the Huntsman (2012), the war film Red Dawn (2012), the action thriller Blackhat (2015), the biographical thriller In the Heart of the Sea (2015), the comedy Ghostbusters (2016), and the Men in Black film series spin-off Men in Black: International (2019). His most critically acclaimed roles include the comedy horror The Cabin in the Woods (2012) and the biographical sports film Rush (2013), in which he portrayed James Hunt.
Hemsworth’s greatest commercial successes have been with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, playing Thor, beginning in Thor (2011) and most recently with Avengers: Endgame (2019), which established him as one of the leading and highest-paid actors in the world.