The renowned Australian actress Cate Blanchett disclosed a head injury, which she suffered in deadly Chainsaw accidents during the ongoing COVID 19 lockdown. According to the report, in a podcast interview with former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard, The Blue Jasmine star revealed about her near-death experience. The 51-year-old actress stated that during the mechanical scroll, she took a “little nick to her head,” but fortunately, it didn’t turn seriously. Besides that, the actress also mentioned that the whole incident was also “exciting”.
Cate Blanchett also stated that amid ongoing coronavirus pandemic, she met a chainsaw accident, with her children, but fortunately, they all are safe. However, the actress did not reveal exactly what she was doing with the mechanical tool.
The former Prime Minister Julia Gillard reacted to the actress shocking and mentioned that “Be very careful with that chainsaw. You’ve got a very famous head,”, and she continued that I don’t think they would like to see any nicks taken out of it.” Then Blanchett mentioned with a sweet smile that “I know I want to keep it on my shoulders!”
The two-time Oscar-winning actress also disclosed that she took the year off to support her eldest son and help him through the exam period. After that, she added in a kidding way that, now, however, she joked that she’s “left with an 18-year-old who doesn’t want anything to do with me!”.
The Carol and ‘Oceans’s 8’ actress also expressed in a podcast interview that she knows that’s a “high-class problem” “like several others, life is a little discombobulating,” but she knows that it is an ‘extraordinarily high-level problem.’
In an interview, Elizabeth’s star also revealed that while playing the role of her children’s teacher-that she was also a “kindergarten teacher” to her five-year-old, and she talked about the value of teachers and what to pay for.
Besides that, Blanchett also stated that “I have huge respect for the teaching profession.” And she continued that “I hope out of this that teachers’ wages will be increased and their respect will be amplified by COVID-19.”
She is currently in quarantine in her country estate in East Sussex. Besides her encounter with death, she says that her lockdown was monotonous and unexciting.