Caliphate is a Swedish thriller and drama web series on Netflix consisting of eight episodes directed by Goran Kaptenovic. The series first aired on Swedish Television channel, SVT Play and became the most-watched series. Caliphate was made available globally through Netflix on 18 March 2020.
The story of Caliphate is based on the real-life incident of three teenage girls who get in contact with the jihad recruiters at their high school in February 2015. The plot of the web series revolves mostly around religious extremism, human rights, violence, and Islamophobia.
Plot of Caliphate Season 2
The first season of Caliphate revolved around the plan of terror attack in Sweden by ISIS. The conclusion of season one saw an abrupt, or more like a cliff-hanger ending which gives an indication that there will be a second season. We might get to see Parvin and Fatima struggle and escape from the sufferings and violence. The creators haven’t revealed anything regarding the plot of the next season, it is still a mystery, but it will be interesting to find out what plot will unravel in the next season.
Cast of Caliphate 2
As there is no official statement regarding the renewal or arrival of the second season, so there’s no confirm the list of actors for the next season. We might get to see the cast from the first season reprising their respective roles which includes Gizem Erdogen as Parvin, Amed Bozan as Husam, Aliette Opheim as Fatima, Albin Grenholm as Colle, Nora Risoe as Sulle, Amanda Sohrabi as Kerima, and few others.
Release Date of Caliphate 2
Wilhelm Bergman, the producer of Caliphate, said that he is working on other projects currently, which means that the production of season two of Caliphate hasn’t even begun. The show has been a huge success worldwide, and it is certain that it will return for the second season but not till late 2021 or 2022. Till then, watch Caliphate only on Netflix!