Bojack Horseman is an adult animated web television drama series created by Raphael Bob Waksberg for Netflix. The first season of the series premiered on 22 August 2014, and ever since then it’s a huge hit, Among the viewers globally for its hard-hitting reality checks and brilliant storyline. The story is set in Los Angeles follows the lives of the anthropomorphic horse namely, BoJack Horseman, he was a star of 90s sitcom and now he returns to his celebrity relevance with an autobiography by a ghostwriter, Diane Nguyen. Along with the struggle to revive his celebrity status, BoJack deals with other issues which include depression, addiction, his rival, his roommate, and his agent.
During the debut of the show, it received mixed reviews from critics and audience. But later on, the show has been lauded and praised by all the critics and audiences worldwide for its take on sensitive and important topics like depression, addiction, trauma, self-destruction, sexism, racism, and the overall human condition.
The series ended with its sixth instalment on 31 January 2020. Bidding farewell to their favorite show was not easy for the fans, they’re expecting a seventh season or a spin-off series of BoJack Horseman.
Unfortunately, there will be no season 7 of BoJack Horseman. The final ending of the last season’s episode was an intentional and appropriate for the end of the series. The creators have no plan for the seventh instalment of BoJack Horseman.
Plot of Season 7 of BoJack Horseman
If the seventh season of BoJack Horseman happens, then it will require a creative and new storyline because the pleasant conclusion of the show leaves no space for further anticipation.
Cast of Season 7 of BoJack Horseman
If that happens then the respective actors will reprise their roles as giving the voice-over to the characters. The cast is as follows, Will Arnett as BoJack Horseman, Alison Brie as Diane Nguyen, Aaron Paul as Todd Chavez, Amy Sedaris as Princess Charlotte, Raphael Bob as Charley Witherspoon, Kristen Schnall as Sarah Lynn, and few others.