Black Spot is a supernatural thriller series related to French. It was first aired on France 2 on 10 April 2017, following its first appearance in February at the 2017 Festival des créations télévisuelles de Luchon. The creator of the series is Mathieu Missoffe with the help of Ego Productions, Be-Films, and RTBF, the series stars Suliane Brahim, Hubert Delattre, and Laurent Capelluto as Co-Producers.
In November 2017, Amazon Prime got it to stream Season 1 worldwide, outside of Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. And that was the first for any French series. A second season was renewed by France 2 and got released worldwide on Netflix on June 14, 2019.
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What is Black Spot all about?
Black Spot is a series centered on a small town where murder isn’t a crime and can be done anytime. The worst thing about the place is its location at nowhere, there are very rare telecommunication signals. It is called ‘Zone Blanche’ in French, Netflix got the series in 2017, and was available worldwide on that platform. This also helped Netflix to gain an audience in the French market. The creators of the show are Mathieu Missoffe and got directed by Julien Despaux and Thierry Poiraud. Antonin Martin-Hilbert, Florent Meyer, Sylvie Chanteux, and Juliette Soubrier are the writers for many different episodes. It is produced by Pascale Breugnot, while Pierre-Emmanuel Fluerantin, Christophe Louis, Vincent Mouluquet, and Pascal Wyn are said as producers.
When will season 3 air?
Black Spot’ Season 2 was aired on June 14, 2019. Since then the series has got many positive reviews and audiences for its dark story and the mystical town where anything can happen. The series’ each episode has got the perfect story for the audience to stick till the end. The story has got many small stories in it, and every one of them is mysterious. Saying according to its huge audience, the series will be renewed again. As per the best guesses, the ‘Black Spot’ Season 3 was meant to be released June this year but got delayed and there is no news about its postponements.