Black Mirror is a British dystopian comedian scientific-fiction show, made by Charlie Brooker. It examines modern society, especially concerning the unanticipated consequences of new technology. The show streamed all its episodes on the online platform Netflix with an IMDB rating of 8.8. Black Mirror season 6 was most likely to surface on Netflix by the start of 2020 but is yet to stream its renewal. Black Mirror season 6 was to be a sequel of its season 5, but due to the break of pandemic Black Mirror season, 6 is rumored to be resurfacing soon. The audience of this series is undoubtedly waiting for Black Mirror season 6.
The plot of Black Mirror season 6!
The Black mirror famously deconstructs the infatuation with technology with the adverse effects it can have on the future. The entire series is quite about the fall of humanity and morality at the hands of some form of technological advancement. Brooker’s ability to weave in-between various moments in time – the past, the present, and the future, makes the black mirror a relatable, disturbing, unsettling, and existential series and also makes it timeline a bit messy. The series initially was premiered on Channel 4 in December 2011, and it ran two series then. Netflix purchased the program in September 2015. The last series that is season 5 was released which comprised of three episodes which were surfaced on 5th June 2019.
Seasons and episodes of Black Mirror season 6!
There are five seasons of the Black mirror. Black Mirror season 6 is yet to stream online, while many rumors are coming the way that there will be a new addition to the seasons of black mirror. The first two series of black mirrors comprised three episodes each. The third and fourth series comprised of 6 episodes each. The fifth season had 3 episodes in it. Black mirrors in a total have 22 episodes in number which includes a special episode too. The running time of episodes is within 41-89 minutes.
Cast and crew of Black Mirror season 6!
It is created by Charlie Brooker and written by Konnie Huq, Jesse Armstrong, Rashida Jones, Michael Schur, and William bridges. The original language in which the series is made in English. With an amazing cast, the show blew the audience’s minds. Daniel Lapaine, Hannah Kamen, Michaela Coel are some of the leading actors of this show.
Release date of Black Mirror season 6!
The fifth season of the show was streamed online on Netflix in 2019. There were rumors of the series resurfacing again with the return of Black Mirror season 6. The news of the show Black Mirror being renewed for a sixth season is not created yet. On the other hand, the show proved to be a victory, so there’s a high possibility of the sixth time to get renewed. Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the shooting and making if the series has come to a pause. As far as the release date is concerned it is most likely to get delayed. We can for the time being only wait and hope to have the dates released soon.