Big Brother All-Stars comes with new episodes on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. ET. It has gone far and extended by the fandom this season, sometimes a bit unjustly. Of course, there are many moments in this season which are definitely meant to be called out a bit, with one coming yesterday, it would be one of the worst luxury comps of all time.
About the Big Brother Show
In the Final 4 Big Brother All-Stars, the houseguests compete in Clash of the Comics, which is known to be a luxury comp in which the winner received $10,000. Houseguests chose from the comic book versions of the All-Stars cast and once they had four competitors, they’d get to see the heroes compete with each other on-screen in a big showdown. At first, it sounded like it could be a really cool concept. Then we saw it in action.
What will happen in the upcoming episode?
The houseguests will do anything for entertainment as they are bored in the house because Clash of the Comics was not actually as exciting as Cody Calafiore and others were making it out to be. Not only we get to watch the houseguests not compete but sit and cheer on a video game. It didn’t make for great TV, which is definitely not good because it ran for about 13 minutes in the hour-long episode.
The most drama it had of it was Christmas Abbott crying at the end because she didn’t pick the cartoon of Memphis Garrett, which can be felt like a betrayal in her eyes. she’s had a stressful week and an elimination is likely going to be done, but it’s not like the actual Memphis Garrett was even there to see the betrayal.
Is everything happening in Big Brother already known before?
All the outcomes were definitely known before, and with the way the matchups and acting were done, it can be reasoned that the production already knew about who the winner will be, even before the houseguests selected their heroes to play. That might not be a big deal considering none of the players knew who they should or shouldn’t choose, but things could have a made a little fast-forwarded, if production knew who was going to win from the start.
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