Beverley Hills, 90210, is an American teen drama television series created by Darren Star, and produced by Aaron Spelling. The series debuted on Fox from 4 October 1990 to 17 May 2000. It is first of the six series in the franchise of Beverley Hills, 90210.
Story of Beverley Hills, 90210
The series Beverley Hills, 90210, follows the lives of a group of friends living in the star-studded community of Beverley Hills, California. It shows the transition of these friends from high school to college. The initial plot of the series is the cultural shock and adjustment of the twins, Brandon and Brenda when they with their family moves to Beverley Hills. Beside the teenage romantic comedy, the series deals with various topics such as homophobia, animal rights, date rape, drugs, alcoholism, racism, homophobia, domestic violence, teenage pregnancy and suicide, and AIDS.
Beverley Hills, 90210 was a huge hit in the United States of the America and is credited with creating a genre for teenage drama series which many other series followed the suit in the coming years.
On October 5 2020, Beverley Hills completed its three decades and fan couldn’t be any more emotional for the show, they’ve been watching and loving ever since its arrival.
Celebration of 30th Anniversary
To celebrate the anniversary of Beverley Hills, 90210 the cast of the show gathered virtually for an epic reunion. Tori Spelling, Jason Preistly, Jennie Garth, Gabrielle Garcis, Brian Austin Green, Ian Zeiring, and creator Darren Star came together to celebrate the milestone.
They were all very delighted and emotional at the same time about the series which is extremely close to their heart. During the chat, Garth revealed that she is planning to start a podcast with Tori Spelling on 90210, in which they will rewatch the show and share their experience of filming, and behind the scenes fun. They discussed the storyline of the characters on the series and reminisces the filming and shooting days.
The celebration was totally incomplete without the mention of Luke Perry, who rose to fame through Beverley Hills, 90210, and died in March 2019, and the stars of Beverley Hills acknowledged his brilliant performance on the series, praised him for being wonderful and kind person, and said that they terribly miss him.
Fans were all in tears seeing their favorite characters from the series virtually together celebrating 30th anniversary of Beverley Hills.
If you’ve not watched Beverley Hills yet then you should because it’s a classic series, and there’s a reboot of 6 episodes of the series as well which aired on Fox in the year 2019. All the six season of Beverley Hills is available on Amazon Prime and Hulu, binge watch it all!