Berserk is a 2016 anime TV series. It has inspired by Kentaro Miura’s Berserk manga and a sequel to the Golden Age Arc film trilogy. This is the second creation of the manga after the 1997 anime under the same name, based on the Conviction arc from the manga. The series’ second season is about the first half of the Hawk of the Millennium Empire arc, which was released in 2017.
Berserk is the manga brought into life, which got forgot published with the same title in 1997. This anime has given so much with two great seasons of 24 episodes. The creator of the anime is Shin Itagaki. He has put all his efforts into creating more of the series.
What will happen in Berserk Season 3?
It has said that the storyline of season 3 will be mostly about defeating the Falcon of the Millennium Empire story arc. The arc searches for a ship to get the team to Skellig. There will be many serious discussions in the Vandimion family, which will turn worse when Guts would be challenged to fight.
Emperor Ganishka declares war on Holy See, but then they come to know that the town is under the captivity of the Kushan Empire’s Troops. As the war begins, an opening will be created in the astral sphere called World Transformation. It will tell you about another world about the supernatural. Because of this, the situation gets worse for Guts, and the Mystical monsters will be free in the physical world. If that takes place, then it will be the start of Griffith’s reign in the empire of Falconia.
When will season 3 come out?
If it is to be guessed, about the release of Berserk Season 3, it might come out in the early or fall of 2021. It was first said that it would be at the end of 2020, but considering the pandemic’s situation, it can’t be said now. But we can expect it in 2021.
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